For an exciting weekend activity, we like to drive up to Friendsville Maryland, and raft down the Youghiogheny or Yough river. This requires some planning because the water has its highs and lows and you want to go when it is just right. The river has a nice mix of rapids and slow areas so you can paddle hard for a while then rest before the next set of rapids.

We made it down the river wet but nothing more than that. We watched other people who ended up in the wrong spot and they took a swim. Fortunately for them, there were boats waiting nearby to pick up anyone who fell out in the rapids.

The town of Friendsville is small but interesting. We took a short walk around to see the town and read about its history.

There is a specific parking lot and changing area across the river and down the street. Parking in front of the local businesses is for short-term customer parking and the river trip takes a few hours.